
Introducing TGIF Posts: Your Turn to Reflect!

Happy Friday, readers! Friday is my favorite day of the week. Yes, even working from home and setting my own schedule, I still freak out over Fridays.

I want to do something new on the blog and get you guys in on the Friday fun. Every Friday, I’m going to share my biggest reflections and thoughts from the week and ask you to do the same!

Okay, I should have warned you…this isn’t the Friday happy-hour kind of fun. (I mean, it’s leading to that.) This is the productivity-and-reflection kind of fun. Are you still with me? Anyone?

Good! Here’s what TGIF looks like:

  • T – Truth: Tell me something you learned about yourself this week.
  • G – Growth: Describe one way in which you grew this week, whether it’s in the direction of a goal or something unexpected.
  • I – Inspiration: List one thing that inspired you this week.
  • F – Fun: Talk about what you did to have FUN this week!

I’ll start us off…


I get nervous to talk on the phone when my husband (or anyone) is in the same room. Is that normal?


I volunteer at my church’s youth group every now and then, and got back into it this week after a long break with the holidays and our honeymoon. I made it a goal last year to give back more but also to work on connecting with teens, since I write some young adult fiction.

Speaking of fiction, I also started drafting a new short story this week – a nice step toward my goal of completing a short story collection this year!


Last weekend, I attended a networking event put on by the Iowa Writers’ House. On the drive home, I mentally replayed the conversations I’d had and realized how poorly I introduce myself and what I do to others. I communicate much more confidently through writing, hence why I am in this profession, but I’m so tired of lacking confidence when it comes to talking to people in person.

This article from the Creativity Post inspired me for my next networking event. It offers three strategies for networking, all of which suggest that you become a curious connector. I am a culprit of getting stuck in my own anxious thoughts while in a conversation. This article offers helpful ice-breaker questions to help you focus more on the other person and how to engage them in conversation.


Girls’ Night started this week off with a bang! Margaritas on Monday was an awesome way to get some extra fun time in. Our group gets together once a month (at least) for a fun night out. We just started making this a scheduled thing a few months ago, and it has been so awesome for our group. It gives us a chance to hang out without the boys and just have fun! But this month we initiated our first boy into the group – Baby Maddox 🙂

Image may contain: 9 people, people smiling, people sitting, table, drink and indoor

Your turn!

Leave your TGIF thoughts in the comments below! Can’t wait to hear what you all have been up to this week 🙂


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One Comment

  1. T – That sometimes committing to an idea is a struggle for me.
    G – I am learning that by not judging my perceived progress, I can better focus on the small things needed to create big results.
    I – Reflecting on my launch week and how far I have come. And how far I know I will get if I stay committed to my mission.
    F – Explored a new park to walk in with the dog.

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