30 Days of Discipline
On showing up, doing the work, and improving your life
On showing up, doing the work, and improving your life
On making close friends as an adult
I’ve been writing a book for 4 years. Here’s what that looks like: Year 1 – 2018-2019: Everything is new and exciting! I’m in the ideation phase and writing new chapters every week. I go to sleep at night excited to wake up and work on my book. Writing is the best! Year 2 –…
Does anyone else have the lyrics from Taylor Swift’s song “All Too Well (10-minute version)” playing through their head on a constant loop? I hear it when I drink my morning coffee. I hear it while reviewing courses in Blackboard for work. I hear it when I go to sleep. I hear it when I…
On Halloween, a batch of cookies taught me a lesson. This isn’t a new concept to me – I’ve learned several things from baked goods over the years. There’s truly no difference in taste for gluten-free sweets, so just bake what you can eat and no one else will care. Bringing homemade treats to an occasion…
Books, courses, blog posts, podcasts – there is no shortage of how-to information out there. I love living in a world where you can learn anything you want to know. It’s amazing that I can find an article, or several articles, on how to write a blog post or a book or an essay. And…
Cal Newport’s first book is a must-read for most of us 20-somethings. If you feel stuck or uncertain in your career, questioning what your next move should be, I highly suggest reading this book to gain some sense of direction. Newport argues against the popular advice of “follow your passion”. This was a challenging concept…
This morning I picked up an essay collection that I’m about halfway finished reading. It’s my intention to read an essay collection every month this year as part of my studying for writing my own. I love the collection I’m reading now – Reeling Through Life: How I Learned to Live, Love and Die at…
I’ve been thinking about what to write about on here throughout this past week. Knowing I had other deadlines and meetings this week, I had little time left to dedicate to writing a post. My mom visited this weekend (love you, Mom!) so I wasn’t planning to spend time blogging Saturday and Sunday either. A little over…
This month I started coaching a Girls on the Run Heart & Sole team, a group of 6th- through 8th-grade girls who will train all spring for a 5k and learn a curriculum based on self-growth. I’ve been wanting to coach this program for years, so I was excited to do the training and start planning…