
Discover Your Inner Guidance with “Let Your Spirit Guides Speak”

Guidance is something we all seek daily whether we admit to it or not. When we make life-changing decisions and when we decide what to eat for breakfast, we ask for the answers in some way.

Often we turn to books or the Internet, hoping to learn from someone who has gone through the exact same thing and to take their advice.

Other times we ask ourselves what the right answer is, but it’s common that we shy away from this because we don’t always trust ourselves to have the right answers. I certainly struggle with this.

But doesn’t it make sense that the voices in our heads, the ones that have guided us through both difficult situations and joyful celebrations, know us the best?

Connecting with these voices–our guides–is a daily practice. Iowa author Debra Landwehr Engle demonstrates in her new book, Let Your Spirit Guides Speak: A Simple Guide for a Life of Purpose, Abundance, and Joy, how to build relationships with our spirit guides and to perceive them as a united support system, lifting us up and guiding us to the correct path.

How did I come across this book?

A writer friend of mine had invited me to Debra’s book launch party here in Des Moines. I hadn’t read Debra’s work, but I am not one to turn down a chance to meet a published author.

After thumbing through the first few pages of her book and then hearing Debra speak, I came to an enlightening realization: Here in front of me was a real, live, physical being–who had hugged me when I introduced myself–who represented all of the spiritual and mindset work I’ve been doing over the past few months. Debra was a reachable, audible portrayal of all my virtual mentors in positive thinking.

And as I’d come to realize after reading her book, my connecting with Debra wasn’t by coincidence. Several previous decisions and experiences in my life led to my showing up to Debra’s launch party, a place I needed to be, meeting a person I needed to meet and reading words I needed to take in.

Book Review

“Our spirit guides, just like Jesus, Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr., and other leaders whose voices endure through the ages, challenge us to live from our better nature. To make decisions from love rather than fear. To live from our higher Self rather than our ego.”

Debra Landwehr Engle, Let Your Spirit Guides Speak

I know I’m in for a good book when I’m underlining and re-reading several lines, and I’m not even past the introduction.

Let Your Spirit Guides Speak is a beautiful book that shows us how to work with our inner voices, our spirit guides. By sharing personal experiences and insights from her spiritual journey, the author provides a compact, meaningful guide to building relationships, communicating and collaborating with our spirit guides in ways that allow us to live deeper, purposeful lives.

In this quick, positive read, you’ll learn how to ask your guides for help and how to open yourself up to receiving and accepting their answers. Repeated throughout the book is the mantra, “We are here with you always.” Engle reminds us that our spirit guides are always with us; working with them will only help make our lives easier.

In a time when several different answers can be provided to us at the click of a mouse, our inner guidance tends to get neglected. Engle reminds us that our guides have our best interests in mind. We can ask them questions, but we must quietly listen for the answers.

“The only thing required to be mystics in this everyday world is willingness. A willingness to listen more deeply, to be quiet for a few minutes each day, to suspend judgment, and to enter into the relationship with acceptance and a literally open mind.”

Debra Landwehr Engle, Let Your Spirit Guides Speak

Is Let Your Spirit Guides Speak right for you?

No matter where you are on your spiritual journey, Let Your Spirit Guides Speak is powerful in helping to set the right mindset and seeking inner guidance. We all have voices speaking to us–whether we believe them to be God, a relative who has passed on, or simply a different version of ourselves.

Anyone who is looking to grow spiritually or to develop a growth mindset will benefit from the insights in this book. I thoroughly enjoyed it, and I know I’ll be going back to those underlined sections again and again.

If you’re struggling with a negative mindset or looking for guidance in any realm of life, check out Debra’s book, Let Your Spirit Guides Speak: A Simple Guide for a Life of Purpose, Abundance, and Joy, or get a taste for her writing at her website or her Everyday Miracles blog.

Do you struggle with connecting to higher guidance? Tell me your experiences in the comments below!


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