Jenny Lawson: Tips on Writing and Blogging
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Jenny Lawson: Tips on Writing and Blogging

What may start as a fun, hobby-based or stress-relieving blog can often serve as the foundation for a best-selling book. Look at the success of Julie Powell’s Julie and Julia and Tim Ferris’ 4-Hour Work Week. The same happened for the humorous personal memoir writer, Jenny Lawson. Lawson is the blogger behind The Bloggess, an award-winning blog containing dark humor…

Is Writing Hard?

Is Writing Hard?

During a recent long car trip out of state with my fiance, I sat in the passenger seat typing away on my Chromebook, sighing here, laughing there, oohing and aahing at other points. I shared with Kyle the deadlines I had to meet the day after we would return back home, and he made a thought-provoking comment: “At…

Set Yourself Up for Success with the DIY MFA Book
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Set Yourself Up for Success with the DIY MFA Book

Since graduating with my bachelor’s degree five years ago, I have been debating whether to enroll in a Master of Fine Arts (MFA) program in creative writing. The idea of it sounds absolutely blissful to me–honing the craft, develop my skills, making important connections with established writers and publishers, and, of course, forcing myself to…

Jacquelyn Mitchard: On Storytelling and Writing

Jacquelyn Mitchard: On Storytelling and Writing

Every writer aims to be an effective storyteller with their novels. That goal in itself is a lofty challenge. To come across as an effective storyteller in person is a whole new game, especially for those who fit the stereotype of the introvert writer. Bestselling author Jacquelyn Mitchard has the written and verbal craft of storytelling mastered. Readers of…